The Art and Science of Everything

Formerly thoughts on gender and technology, I'm expanding this as a place to just generally geek out on gender, technology, design, cognition, perception, and culture. The title should not be considered hubris, but instead enthusiasm.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Random research idea: One problem at contributes to girls' not participating in programming kinds of creativity is that they often don't have access to a social network that provides support and information to help them get started and keep going. While they boys are teaching each other video game cheats and network card installation, the few girls who may be interested are problem being left out. (This is exactly what happened to me, anyways.) What if there was some sort of programming/development environment where, say, one person would script something of interest and then have cool things they could do by getting others to respond with their own interoperable scripts? Maggie builds a MySpace mosaic patch and invites her friend Jen to script her own little piece to add to the mosaic. Jen instantly has one person who knows the environment better than she does, and a social and creative motivation for participating. It's a pretty handwavy idea, but what if we build viral properties into programming to make it more powerful and more supportive of learning?


  • At 12:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    That's a great idea... it seems like "interoperable" is the key word though.

    Since you mentioned myspace, I am imagining this as part of one of the blogging platforms. If WordPress had a built-in plugin editor (they already have a template editor) and it was available on, and it was integrated with one of the plugin repositories, that would provide a good platform for implementing the kind of collaborative features you are talking about.

    You could probably do this as a feature of a full IDE like Eclipse, but the nice thing about Wordpress is that it's a somewhat focused platform, and there are a lot of hooks for interoperability already set up.

    It's an awesome idea, though. You should do it with Page Creator or Blogger. :)

  • At 5:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

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