The Art and Science of Everything

Formerly thoughts on gender and technology, I'm expanding this as a place to just generally geek out on gender, technology, design, cognition, perception, and culture. The title should not be considered hubris, but instead enthusiasm.

Wednesday, October 15, 2003

I appreciate the attention to this topic. The fundamental question of whether demographics affect design interests me a great deal. But the artlcle and argument is also pretty simplistic and gives me the heebie jeebies.

STUFF : INFOTECH - STORY : New Zealand's leading news and information website: "'There's a lack of understanding from men in what women do. For example, the robot vacuum cleaner is round, and all women will know that won't get the dust out of corners.' " [me - Anyone who has vacuumed should realize that, I suppose. I don't think the square edges get stuff out of corners either, actually.]

"Many think the industry is full of computer geeks writing viruses and causing havoc. But unlike other industries, where you have to comply with an image, in technology you'll be able to find your niche." [me - I think it's totally wrong that sociology findings go out the window in tech culture. I don't think it does a service to anyone to lie. If you're resorting to that, then you should take a second look and figure out what the compelling reasons to get involved actually are.]


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